Three years ago, I came to the United States from Seville, Spain. When I lived in Spain, I worked at important corporate positions, but never felt fulfilled. After arriving in the USA, I got jobs working in a library and a restaurant in Miami. I worked 17 hours a day, rented a room, and barely got by. I didn't speak English and my educational qualifications, training, and work experience didn't transfer over from Spain.
Two and a half years ago, I was introduced to the 4Life opportunity by International Diamond Melanio Valdes. At the time I was skeptical, but I had enough faith to sign up as a Leader4Life. At that moment, my dreams and goals became real. I really believe that 4Life is a phenomenon. It is tearing down walls and boundaries. With 4Life, there are no different nationalities, only one family that provides service and love. There are no different paths, only one path—success. 4Life is the perfect formula for combining diversity and plurality into unity.
I am grateful to the International Networkers Team. I have attended two Great Escape+ trips and I was a contest winner for the illuminate '09 convention. And earlier this year, thanks to the collaboration of my entire team, I achieved the International Diamond level. I want to thank all those who have helped my growth and progress. My success is the result of many people who add everyday value to my life. I strive to always live our motto, Together, Building People.
Roberto Padilla, International Diamond
Florida, USA
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