So, how do you ever manage to get anyone's attention long enough to share the truly valuable 4Life message? The book suggests that people will remember what you have to offer if you keep your message simple and if you are the first and best at what you have to offer. We believe that 4Life succeeds at getting and keeping people's attention all over the world because we qualify in those area the authors suggest.
We have a simple message: we truly believe that we have the best immune system-supporting products on the planet and the best opportunity to achieve financial independence. We were the first company to bring the science of Transferceutical™ products to the world. We are the Transfer Factor Company™. And, we are the best at using our science, success, and service to build people.
So there you have it. Have a simple message, be the first in line, and be the best at what you do.
Now that is something worth remembering.
Ries, Al and Trout, Jack. Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind. The McGraw Hill Companies, New York: 2001.