What is your favorite 4Life product and why? It is hard for me to choose because I like so many of them for different reasons, but I think that along with 4Life Transfer Factor® Tri-Factor® Formula and 4Life® Transfer Factor Plus® Tri-Factor® Formula, 4Life Transfer Factor® Immune Spray and Fibro AMJ® Day-Time Formula are at the top of my list. I love carrying the spray with me when I travel (which is a lot) and I use it often to strengthen my immune system against the many elements that come into play with worldwide travel. Another long-time favorite of mine is Fibro AMJ Day-Time Formula. Whenever I know I am going to be putting an extra strain on my muscles, I gear up by increasing my usage of that great product to help me in both my performance and recovery.
It's easy to share these products because they are so much a part of my life. When you believe strongly in the power of something, it isn't hard to share that passion with other people. That's what being a product of the product is all about!