Wednesday, January 29, 2014

You Have "One Life to Give"

Recently, we read a book that we were so impressed with that we gave a copy to all of our children and asked them to read it. It is called One Life to Give: A Path to Finding Yourself by Helping Others.

It is written by Andrew Bienkowski, a man who was exiled with his family to Siberia when he was five years old. This experience of great suffering shaped Andrew's future and led him to establish an approach to life that emphasizes helping others as the essential path to finding one's greatest fulfillment. With over 40 years as a psychotherapist, Andrew is able to translate this experience into a very practical advice.

One of the great lessons Andrew learned was about the power of what he calls, "radical gratitude." He says, "Once we learn to actively seek reasons to be grateful, we suddenly find them everywhere... Radical gratitude allows us to make sense of and accept the past, to embrace and find peace in the present, and it creates a vision of hope for the future. Studies have shown that grateful people are happier people."

Someone once asked us about the one thing that sets 4Life® distributors stand out from others. We both said it was the gratitude that all of you embody. This truly is a reflection of the kind of people you are and your wonderful desire to reach out and help others through the mission of 4Life. We are so grateful for you and the great success we are experiencing as we take the mission of Together, Building People® to people all over the world.