Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Amazing Accomplishments!

One of our favorite aspects of convention is the opportunity to celebrate your achievements. From rank advancements and President's Club members, to Silver Dollar award recipients and the At the Heart of It award recipient, recognition at Convention 2015: Bring Dreams Home was phenomenal!

Since Convention 2013, over 1,400 distributors have achieved the rank of Presidential Diamond. These men and women are well on their way to achieving their dreams with 4Life®.

Even more exciting—more than 300 distributors have become new International Diamonds since Convention 2013. That's fantastic!

And, there have been 24 new Gold International Diamonds since our last convention. In March 2015 alone, there were seven new Gold International Diamonds! With these new rank advancements, we now have 100 Gold International Diamonds around the world.

And to top it all off, it was wonderful to recognize the four new Platinum International Diamonds since Convention 2013—our first-ever in South Korea, our second in Singapore, our first in Indonesia, and our seventh in the United States. A special congratulations go out to Dr. Jase and Dr. Jinsun Khyeam from South Korea; Sheri Din from Singapore; Dr. Eduard Hutabarat and Katharina Sihombing from Indonesia; and Iván Rodríguez and Marie Márquez from Texas, USA!

We are so proud of all of your tremendous achievements. You are truly bringing dreams home all over the world!