Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Spotlight on New Gold International Diamonds Guillermo Rodríguez & Patricia Ferrer

Congratulations to new Gold International Diamonds Guillermo Rodríguez and Patricia Ferrer from Panama! Guillermo recognized that 4Life® could help him reclaim his life with his family. Their story of success is truly inspiring!

After ten years with my professional career in electrical engineering, I had everything I needed, except I was rarely home to enjoy it. I traveled every Monday through Saturday. In fact, my third son was born at 5:00 am one day, and just five hours later, I was on a plane headed out on another business trip. I finally realized that I needed a job that would bring my family back together and give us time freedom.

I was introduced to 4Life by Gold International Diamond Antonio Nuñez. When I saw my friend dressed in shorts and flip flops on a Monday at 3:00 pm, I was very interested. I told my wife about 4Life, and her first question was, "Are we going to be together as a family?" I said, "If we work hard and stay committed to the company, we'll be together." She said, "Let's do it." A year and a half after joining 4Life, we both quit our jobs.

Today, we spread the 4Life message of love, hope, and freedom. We're building a legacy of freedom and service for our children, thanks to 4Life and the International Networkers Team. We strive to help our team members achieve whatever they think is impossible to accomplish.

We share the 4Life message when we share our dreams with others, and tell them how to realize their own dreams. If you want to achieve the Gold International Diamond rank, we offer this advice: (1) Work hard. You are your greatest obstacle. (2) Maintain great relationships with your team members. (3) Stay committed to your dreams. (4) Understand that adversity offers great opportunities to gain experience.

Never forget your dreams and the dreams of your team members. If you have a dream, you have to fight for it!

Gold International Diamonds Guillermo Rodríguez & Patricia Ferrer